Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day No. 9

Tonight, in celebration of Valentine's Day, the Allan and Erin dream team joined forces in the kitchen and made the best meal ever!!!  Over the last year or two Allan has become quite the sushi chef.  He came up with all different kinds of rolls made with different combinations of crab, shrimp, cream cheese, avocado, and mango.  I made crab and cream cheese wontons for the first time ever and if I do say so myself, they were pretty amazing.  Allan said they were the best he's ever had!  The boy loves food!  Allan always gets me flowers for Valentine's Day, but this year he got his granny some too.  Such a sweet man. =)

The last two weeks have been rotation, journal club, rotation, work at Walmart, rotation, patient case presentation, rotation, help with student interviews for pharmacy school, work at Walmart, and more rotation.  Whew!!  Two more days left of Rotation #6.  I filled out my diploma application today.  Graduation just keeps getting closer!

We are visiting Athens, GA this weekend.  I'm super excited!  Hopefully, we will have our final decision made on where we will be after graduation within the coming weeks.  Until then, just keep praying!

Half-marathon update:  So, in the last few weeks I have become very discouraged over this process.  My knees have been hurting really bad.  It makes me so mad!  I feel like it is completely outside of my control!  I haven't been able to run farther than 10 miles and it has nothing to do with my legs hurting or being out of breath or my heart feeling like it's going to beat out of my chest.  Those were problems I had to overcome when I first started running.  Now it's knee pain.. and I feel like there is nothing I can do about it.  I'm just worried about the race.  Two more weeks...Maybe on race day my knees will magically work the way I want them to?!  On a more positive note, I got some cute running clothes this weekend.  I've been running in junk clothes made out of cotton that were literally rubbing me the wrong way, so now I'm good to go!  Buying new clothes is always exciting!


  1. have you tried running in different shoes to see if that helps? you may not be getting enough support.

  2. Erin, you should take glucosamine, like Osteo Biflex. I take it for my knees for when I actually run, and it helps! The sushi looks awesome. Happy Valentine's Day!
