Welcome 2012 and welcome to my blog!
This morning I woke up and decided I was going to participate in the southern tradition of making greens and black-eyed peas for a New Year's meal. Until today, I didn't really know the history behind this tradition. Apparently during the Civil War, Union soldiers destroyed or stole crops on Confederate land, leaving only black-eyed peas as the surviving crop (possibly because this crop was a major staple for cattle and slaves). Hence, black-eyed peas became a major staple for the Confederate soldiers. Today, black-eyed peas and greens on New Year's Day are eaten for good luck and hopes of a prosperous year. Greens are the color of paper money and peas represent coins. Sometimes, the cook will place a dime in the pot of peas and the recipient of the coin is said to have the best luck for that year. Here's to a lucky and prosperous 2012!
I'm excited about my new blog! Big changes and new experiences (including becoming a Pharm.D., a big move, Allan starting graduate school, etc) are coming this year and I wanted a place to document everything that happens so I can remember how awesome this year promises to be! I can think of no better way to start 2012 than to take advantage of time off rotations and go on a vacation! Some of Allan's work will be featured in the Supersonic Electronic Invitational at Spoke Art in San Francisco, CA. We decided we would be crazy not to go, so we leave tomorrow! I'll tell you all about it in my next post!
Yay...a new blog to read!