Friday, June 7, 2013

Mississippi History

After Craig's graduation in Oxford we headed south to Jackson for a few days. One of the days we took a little trip to Port Gibson with my parents. I've always wanted to see the ruins of Windsor in person ever since I saw photographs of them in Ken Murphy's Mississippi Photography book. Windsor was built in the 1800's and survived the Civil War, but later burned due to an accidental fire. The columns and some ironwork were the only things to survive the fire. The area is completely deserted, but the columns are so beautiful! They really are one of Mississippi's hidden treasures. 

Next, we headed to Rodney, MS (per Julianne's recommendation). Again, another hidden treasure of MS. Isn't it odd that I have never heard of Rodney and it was 3 votes away from being the state capitol of MS?! Today, it is a real ghost town filled with abandoned buildings like this really cool church. 

Can you see the cannon ball stuck in the bricks above the middle window? Seriously, this place is enchanting. After making a huge deal about how cool it was my brother says, "Yeah.. that's where my deer camp is.  I've seen it a million times." Wha??? Share the wealth Danny Boy!!  Read about Rodney here and see what you think!!

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